Monday, June 08, 2015

Emil Orlik and Japan -- New 2015 Exhibition

Beginning August 23rd and continuing until November 22, 2015, there will be an Orlik exhibition at the Museum Schloss Moyland called "Emil Orlik und Japan: Aus dem Land der aufgehenden Sonne (Emil Orlik and Japan: From the Land of the Rising Sun)."  The exhibition will present virtually all of Orlik's Japanese graphics (woodblock prints, etchings, and lithographs), plus a selection of his related notebook sketches and paintings.  This is the third major Orlik exhibition in Germany in as many years, following similar themed shows in Hamburg and Regensburg.

Hand-painted Postcard (1900) by Emil Orlik
Personal Collection

The exhibition in Schloss Moyland will be based primarily on the Orlik collection of Peter Voss-Andreae, as was the show in Hamburg in 2013.  However, it will include 23 pieces from my own Orlik collection, including preparatory drawings and paintings for some of Orlik's prints, some rare etchings, and a number of hand-illustrated postcards.  I've also loaned two woodblock prints and corresponding preparatory drawings by Toyohara Chikanobu (1838-1912) to illustrate the state of woodblock printing at the time of Orlik's first trip to Japan in 1900, plus a 1903 book print by Hashiguchi Goyo (1880-1921), believed to be the first instance of a Japanese artist employing the ex libris concept that Orlik introduced to the Japanese.

 Hand-painted Postcard (1900) by Emil Orlik
Personal Collection

"Dämmerung" (1901), oil on board by Emil Orlik
Personal Collection

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